WHEA Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning

A stand-alone set of sessions to introduce novice learners to principles of health professions education. To date, sessions have been presented to Emory St. Francis Hospital, and the series is available for other sites, with the option to add topics that are relevant to their educators.
Learning Objectives
After completing the Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning workshops, participants will be able to:
- Design learning activities centered around Competency Based Medical Education
- Apply efficient and effective teaching tools when precepting at the bedside
- Choose Learning Assessment Tools to accurately assess intended learning outcomes
- Apply strategies to give trainees effective feedback
Four 1-hour interactive workshops led by WHEA educators that can be presented in a timeframe appropriate for the specific audience.
Sessions developed to date
Competency-Based Education
- Define and review a brief history of CBME
- Review ACGME competencies, sub-competencies, and milestones
- Discuss changes in “Milestones 2.0”
- Brainstorm solutions for your individual programs to address these new changes
Bedside Teaching and Precepting
- Understand the importance of bedside teaching
- Identify and apply the steps of the One Minute Preceptor
- List the steps of the SNAPPS Model
- Recognize the barriers to implementing bedside teaching
Providing Constructive Feedback
- Describe the characteristics of feedback
- Learn how to give effective feedback
- Acknowledge barriers to giving feedback and learn how to overcome them
Assessing Learners: Apply a concept of the Learning Assessment Techniques (LAT) by comparing available assessment tools and strategies based on the revised taxonomies in order to develop a model of LAT based on the available assessment tools.
Course Faculty
- Yelena Burklin, MD
- Sherita Holmes, MD
- George Leach, MD
- Emily Pinto, MD