Interprofessional Health Competitions
Below is a list of interprofessional educational (IPE) health competitions available to Emory students. These intensive, fast-paced experiential learning opportunities provide students with the opportunity to work in interprofessional, multidisciplinary teams to develop products or solutions to real-world health and healthcare problems. The Office of IPECP will continue to update this list as it learns of additional opportunities.

Emory-Georgia Tech Global Health Hackathon
The Emory Global Health Institute coordinates this annual hackathon in partnership with Georgia Tech’s CREATE-X and the Wallace Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, and The Hatchery, Emory Center for Innovation. The hackathon is an exciting interprofessional, multidisciplinary educational and entrepreneurial experience that provides students with a competitive forum to develop tech- and product-based solutions for clinical global health challenges presented by experts in the field. This innovative program brings together Emory University and Georgia Tech students from numerous disciplines including engineering, computer science, the health professions, law, business, and even the humanities to develop product solutions that can be brought to market and launch successful startups. For more information, please visit the Emory Global Health Institute’s website.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement Case Competition
The Emory X Georgia Tech Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Case Competition is an event for Emory and Georgia Tech undergraduate and graduate students who like to think like innovators to put what they have learned into practice with a real-life, real-time healthcare problem. This case competition promotes the development of interprofessional relationships amongst graduate students through an intense, experiential learning opportunity. This case competition is a multidisciplinary competition that allows undergraduate and graduate students in teams of four-to-six students to develop solutions for improving access to care and healthcare equity in the Atlanta and Georgia communities. For more information, please visit the competition website.
Emory Global Health Case Competition Program
The Emory Global Health Institute hosts two global health case competitions annually. Reserved for Emory students only, the Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition brings together students from all nine schools at Emory University to address a critical real-world global health challenge. Twelve-to-15 interprofessional teams of Emory students are tasked with developing comprehensive case solutions to the case challenge using a multidisciplinary approach. Teams are comprised of four-six students and must include team members from at least three different Emory schools. Emory medical residents and post-graduate fellows are also eligible to participate. The week-long competition takes place in early February each year, with teams presenting their case solutions to a panel of judges on competition day. Cash prizes are awarded to the top-three teams, and the first-place team goes on to participate in the Emory Morningside Global Health Case Competition, which brings together up to 30 multidisciplinary student teams from universities located around the world every March. For more information about the global health case competition program, please visit the Emory Global Health Institute’s website.