IPECP Courses and Training
Below are descriptions of interprofessional courses and training opportunities currently available at Emory. The Office of IPECP will continue to develop this resource, so check back for updates.

Clinical Perspectives in Global Health
Initiated in fall 2017 as a second-year elective for Emory University School of Medicine students, the course was expanded in 2018 to include Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing students and Emory College students minoring in global health. The course introduces global health concepts to medical and nursing students during their pre-clinical years, and all students achieve core global health competencies through didactic sessions, skills workshops, and relevant clinical experiences. The course provides students with an introduction across these domains with an emphasis on the global burden of disease, globalization of health and healthcare, and health equity. The course is taught by an interprofessional team of Emory faculty and partnering international allied health professionals.
Emory Nursing Experience: Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Online Modules
In this online, self-paced course, students will learn about the history and background of interprofessional education. The course will take a deep dive into the four collaborative practice competencies of: 1) values/ethics for interprofessional practice; 2) roles and responsibilities; 3) interprofessional communication; and 4 teams and teamwork. For more information on how to enroll, please visit the ENE:IPECP learning module website.
Emory Quality Academy: Interprofessional Team Skills for Quality Improvement
The purpose of this longitudinal course is to serve the Emory community by training interprofessional teams of health care professionals in quality improvement skills that they can apply to local settings. Participants will learn about developing capacity for continuous quality improvement, interprofessional teamwork, and teaching quality improvement as part of their work. The course lasts seven months and includes seven virtual 2-hour sessions. The program includes: 1) workshops led by expert faculty; 2) projects supported by leadership and coaches from Emory's academic health system partners; and 3) presentations of project outcomes at the Emory Quality Conference. Potential participants can learn more about the program here.
IPE-ACTS (Interprofessional Education-Achieving Collaborative Team Solutions) is Emory's applied interprofessional training course for first-year health professional students. Students from the schools of medicine, nursing, and public health learn IPEC core competencies and apply those competencies as they work in interprofessional teams to solve a health challenge. You can learn more about IPE-ACTS here.