Past WHSC Leaders

Vice Presidents for Health Affairs

Vice PresidentYears the Position was held
Boisfeuillet Jones1955-1961
Orie E. Myers Jr1961-1973
E. Garland Herndon, MD1973-1983
Charles R. Hatcher Jr, MD1984-1996

Executive Vice Presidents for Health Affairs

Executive VPYears the Position was held
Michael M.E. Johns, MD1996-2007
Fred Sanfilippo, MD/PhD2007-2010
S. Wright Caughman, MD2010-2015
Michael M.E. Johns, MD (interim)2015-2016
Jonathan S. Lewin, MD2016-2022
David S. Stephens, MD (interim)2022-2023

Chairs, Woodruff Health Sciences Center Board

ChairYears the Position was held
James D. Robinson Jr.1953-1967
William R. Bowdoin1968-1983
James B. Williams1983-2003
Douglas Ivester2003-2017
John G. Rice2018-present