Programming and Support
Training themes:
Linking within- and between-host dynamics
within-host models that integrate resource competition among vital host functions and immune defenses
nested mathematical modeling to integrate within- and between-host dynamics
mathematical modeling of non-linear feedbacks between co-infections at the individual and population levels
analysis of metagenomics data to describe host microbiomes and their influence on infectious disease susceptibility
application of mutualism theory to reveal the importance of symbionts in providing protection against parasites
Scaling host and population dynamics through host heterogeneity
GIS analyses to quantify how spatial structuring leads to infection risk
- mathematical and statistical network analysis to study how contact networks drive the spread of disease and to provide recommendations for effective intervention strategies
- spatial and individual-based modeling approaches to study the effects of individual history, movement and land use on transmission
landscape genetics and genomics, and phylodynamics
Integrating population and community dynamics
community ecology modeling to investigate importance of particular host species in amplifying or diluting the transmission of pathogens
ecophysiological modeling of the thermal performance and limits of hosts, vectors and pathogens
phylogenetic approaches to integrate molecular biology and evolutionary theory to study between-species transmission
spatial mathematical and statistical modeling to quantify spillover risks; comparative immunology to assess community infection risks
Population-region scaling
- cross-scale mathematical and statistical modeling that account for two-way feedbacks
- inclusive epidemiological study design to improve inference of genetic, genomic and metagenomics data
integration of epidemiological data with phylogenetic techniques to create traceback investigations
- species distribution models and eco-informatic “big data” approaches to spatiotemporal disease mapping
Programmatic events are open to ALL students, not just those supported by the training grant.
Laney Graduate School
Graduate Division of Biological & Biomedical Sciences
- IMP - Immunology & Molecular Pathogenesis
- MMG - Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
- PBEE - Population Biology, Ecology & Evolution
Rollins School of Public Health
- EPI - Epidemiology
- EHS - Environmental Health Sciences
- BIOS - Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
Dissertation committee:
Include at least one faculty member from a different program (e.g. PBEE student needs at least one faculty member from IMP or EHS)Support:
IDASTP will support:
4 students per year (2 third-years and 2 fourth-years)
Trainees are supported for 2 years (their third and fourth year)
Trainees must be enrolled in IMP, PBEE, EHS, MMG, EPI or BIOS programs
Stipend will support students for 2 years
$1,000 per year for travel to conferences, workshops or fieldwork
$1,000 per year for research-related costs
NEWS Across Scales
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