Questions and Answers about Animal Research at Emory University

Additional Resources for Information on Animal Research
  • Americans for Medical Progress ( This site has a particularly helpful list of the advances brought about by animal research – which include virtually every medical breakthrough in this century.

  • For the patients’ perspective, visit incurably ill for Animal Research, iiFAR (

  • Foundation for Biomedical Research ( This site has a detailed list of commonly asked questions, facts and myths about animal research as well as some more detailed sections such as mice and the human genome project.

  • The Washington Association for Biomedical Research site ( has a downloadable series of articles by Nobel Laureates describing the importance of animal research to making a difference to the men, women, and children who have diseases for which there are still no cures.

  • The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science or AALAS ( has a special section for kids discussing the importance of animal research and the concern for the well-being of animals with which scientists and scientific organizations do such research.
  • Does Emory conduct research involving animals?
  • Why use animals?
  • What kind of animals involved?
  • Where do these animals come from?
  • What kind of research is done?
  • Are animals ever used in teaching?
  • How does the University assure such work is done humanely?
  • Does the University make efforts to use alternative methods whenever possible?

  • © 2002 Emory University