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Lucky Jain, MD
Lucky Jain, MD
Sound Science: The Consequences of Caesarians
Listen to Sound Science as neonatologist Lucky Jain, MD, discusses the reasons for the rise in Caesarian sections and the short- and long-term consequences for mothers and their babies. The onset of labor signals a maturity of the fetus, and bypassing this predictor of term gestation can have benefits in some cases, or risks. Read more. . .
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Elderly Couple

  Slowing Alzheimer's Before Symptoms Appear
Today's treatments for Alzheimer's disease are like Band-Aids — addressing only the symptoms but not the underlying cause. With a renewal grant for the Emory Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, scientists are developing better screenings and conducting more clinical trials, including a new gene therapy study, that show promise in delaying the onset of disease. Read more. . .
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Illustration of Linkage disequilibrium

Linkage disequilibrium
  Ashkenazi Jewish Genomes Reveal Diversity, History
For many years scientists have assumed that some disease-related genes in the Ashkenazi Jewish population were more prevalent because of the group's relative isolation. Now new genomic analysis shows Ashkenazi Jews are genetically more diverse than people of European descent generally, and that most of the disease-related genes in the Ashkenazi population arose randomly. Read more. . .
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Young-sup Yoon, MD, PhD

Young-sup Yoon, MD, PhD
  Blood and Bone Marrow Cells Provide Blood Vessel Healing
A molecule called PECAM-1, found in the inner lining of blood vessels, secretes hormones that support the growth of blood vessels. By using antibodies to sort human blood or bone marrow cells and isolate and reintroduce cells with PECAM-1, scientists believe they could spur re-growth of damaged blood vessels in peripheral artery disease, heart attack, or heart failure. Read more. . .
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Depressed person

  Deep Brain Stimulation Offers Hope for Resistant Depression
A clinical trial using a pacemaker-like implant in a targeted brain area could provide relief for people whose severe depression isn't improved by other therapies. Some patients treated in a small trial showed significant improvement, but the therapy now needs validation in a larger group.. Read more. . .
Woodruff Health Sciences Center
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