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Read interesting descriptions of dissertations by some 2011 PhD graduates at the Emory website Dissertations: Academics in Action



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Robin Bostick, MD, MPH
Robin Bostick, MD, MPH

Sound Science: Linking Vitamin D Deficiency to Colon Cancer Risk
Our penchant for working inside and avoiding the sun helps explain why many of us are low on vitamin D. Georgia Cancer Coalition Scholar Robin Bostick discusses the link between calcium and vitamin D levels and inflammatory biomarkers related to colon cancer. Listen and read...

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Sleep Study

  What Really Happens When We Sleep?
What really happens to our brains when we sleep, why do we need sleep, and why are the four stages of sleep each important? Sleeping is a complex series of physiologic and chemical transitions that transport us from wakefulness to sleep and back again. Although scientists don't know everything about what constitutes sleep, they are finding more about disorders of sleep and how sleep helps prevent disease. Read more...
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Sleep study
  Protecting Parkinson's Brains with Experimental Gene Therapy
By inserting a gene into the neural cortex of Parkinson's patients, surgeons hope to prod them to produce more of the growth factor neurturin. This protein has been shown to improve the function of damaged brain cells. It could prevent loss of dopamine-producing cells that help regulate movement and, when missing, lead to tremor and stiffness. The study is aimed at patients who are not responding to drug therapy. Read more...
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Protecting Parkinson's Brains
  Study Shows Protective Benefits of DHA Taken During Pregnancy
Mothers who consume omega 3 fatty acids during pregnancy help protect their babies against illness during early infancy.  A clinical trial of about 1,100 pregnant women and 900 infants found that women who took supplements of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from 18 to 22 weeks' gestation through childbirth had babies with fewer colds and shorter illnesses at one, three and six months. Read more...
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Chimpanzees Are Spontaneously Generous
  Chimpanzees Are Spontaneously Generous After All
Despite previous beliefs by some scientists, researchers at Yerkes Research Center have shown that chimpanzees tend to be altruistic. Many scientists thought human altruism evolved only after humans split from apes, but earlier tests may have been too complicated. When given a chance, the chimpanzees in new experiments chose to reward themselves and a companion rather than just themselves. Read more...
Woodruff Health Sciences Center
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