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About Us

The Blue Ridge Academic Health Group studies and reports on issues of fundamental importance to improving our health care system, with special focus on the role of the academic health center (AHC).

The Blue Ridge Group consists of 15-20 members, primarily leaders of AHCs and experts in health policy and practice. The group meets once a year for three days of intensive discussion and presentations by invited experts on an issue of significance to academic health centers and to health care and the health sciences more broadly. Out of the meeting, and along with much advance and subsequent research and preparation by supporting staff, a report is issued and made available to thought leaders, policymakers and a wide variety of other interested persons and organizations.

The Blue Ridge Group has issued 27 reports. A book based upon the initial seven reports, entitled, The Academic Health Center: Leadership and Performance, was published in 2005 by Cambridge University Press.

The group is co-chaired by Ravi Thadhani and John Carethers.