Anne Adams, JD, MS
Additional Titles
Chief Privacy Officer
Emory Healthcare
Associate Vice President, Clinical Trials Compliance
Emory University
Anne Adams has been a member of the senior executive leadership team since June 1999. She serves as chief compliance officer for Emory Healthcare and Emory Medical Care Foundation, chief privacy officer for Emory Healthcare, and associate vice president, Clinical Trials Compliance, Emory University. She is a graduate of Georgia State University, Cumberland School of Law, and Mercer University. Adams is a 2007 graduate of the Woodruff Leadership Academy at Emory. Prior to coming to Emory, she was in private practice, health care consulting, and vice president of compliance for a local health care system.
Adams sets the strategic direction for the organizational culture of compliance by blending compliance, ethics, and integrity in evaluating compliance matters and concerns within the organization. She works with the operational teams to enhance the culture of health care compliance through education, compliance reviews, facilitating process change, regulatory guidance, and policy and standards of conduct development. Adams works with research staff and clinical trial investigators in the area of clinical trial protocol and reimbursement compliance. The goal is to enhance human subject protection through investigator education, collaboration, and validation of protocol adherence. She works with the organization to ensure education and understanding of regulations in various areas such as health care billing, false claims, patient privacy, and non-discrimination in health care services in order to support patient care, education, and research.
Adams serves as a member of the Association of American Medical Colleges' Compliance Peer Review Committee and site visit team. She is also a member of the Vizient Legal and Compliance Steering Committee and the American Hospital Association's Compliance Officerz;s Forum. She is a sought-after speaker for compliance conferences on various compliance and privacy topics as well as authored articles in these areas. Speaking engagements include the Georgia Bar Association's Health Care Fraud Institute, Health Care Compliance Association regional conferences, Association of American Medical Colleges' Compliance Officer's Forum, University and Risk Management Association, Georgia Hospital Association, Georgia Institute of Technology International Privacy Day, Huron Consulting, the 23rd HIPAA Summit, and Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology on technology and privacy matters. She is also a guest lecturer at Georgia Institute of Technology.