January 6,1997

Media Contacts: Sarah Goodwin, 404/727-3366 - sgoodwi@emory.edu
Kathi Ovnic, 404/727-9371 - covnic@emory.edu

If you have low vision, you may benefit from a new low vision enhancement system available in Emory Eye Center's Low Vision Clinic.

Called LVES for short (pronounced "Elvis"), it is the first vision-enhancing device of its kind in Georgia and one of the first in the South.

The device is designed for individuals with vision as poor as 20/800, which is legally blind, after correction with eyeglasses or contact lenses.

When you look through the device, which fits like a helmet over your head and eyes, you'll see images captured by the device's mini television cameras. LVES enhances the images so you can see them better.

"LVES helps visually impaired patients read, recognize faces and watch television -- all activities most can't do with conventional spectacles," says the clinic's director, Ned Witkin, who is conducting a study on the device.


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